Hi and welcome!

May 12th, 2024

We have been working hard to finish the IceCon ’24 program and it is finally ready for you all to see. Below you can find the entire program, spanning Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

As a general rule the convention hall (Veröld, Hús Vigdísar) opens at 10:30 and closes at 18:00 on both Saturday and Sunday. Stúdentakjallarinn, our designated bar and café is open from 11:00-01:00 Friday and Saturday, and from 12:00-23:00 on Sunday.

The full program guide will be published early next week but we wanted to give you a sneak peek into the finalised program.

We can’t wait to see you in Veröld, Hús Vigdísar for IceCon ’24 on May 24th-26h!

John Scalzi, guest of honor!

November 7th, 2023

Hi everyone!

A quick update from the IceCon concom. 

We are thrilled to announce that John Scalzi, author of Old Man’s War, Redshirts (the 2013 winner of the Hugo Award for Best Novel) and the newly released Starter Villain has agreed to be our guest of honor at IceCon ‘24. We look forward to welcoming John to Reykjavík next spring.

At the same time we are sad to have to announce that unfortunately, Becky Chambers won’t make it to IceCon next year. We were very excited to have Becky Chambers at IceCon but she has had to cancel her trip to Iceland. She was very much looking forward to meeting her fans and spending time with us and hopes that she’ll be able to make it to another IceCon later. 

You can sign-up for the convention using the button here below. We hope you can make it and spend some time with us in May 2024. 

IceCon 2024 registration is open, Guests of Honor and more!

November, 18th. 2022

We are happy to announce that registration for IceCon 2024 is now open!

Our guests of honor are Becky Chambers, Emil Hjörvar Petersen and Kirsty Logan and we are super excited to have them join us on May 24-26th, 2024.

We are still working on the program but rest assured that once we have it we will share it here and on our social media.

You can register for the con through this link here.

Registration fees:

  • €60 for the convention
  • €80 if you want to participate in the Sunday lunch as well.

Student discount:  

  • €30 for convention only
  • €50 for convention and Sunday lunch.

Fees can be paid via PayPal or through your banking institution if you have an Icelandic bank account. If you want to pay via PayPal, please follow this link: https://icecon-reykjavik.is/paypal/

Registration open for IceCon 2021

June, 18th. 2021

IceCon is proud to announce Ted Chiang as our third Guest of Honor.
Ted Chiang will be our guest of honor at this year’s IceCon, which will run November 5th – 7th in Reykjavík, Iceland.

Author Ted Chiang, copyright photo by Alan Berner, 2019

Ted Chiang’s fiction has won four Hugo, four Nebula, and six Locus awards, and has been featured in The Best American Short Stories. His collections Stories of Your Life and Others (2016) and Exhalation (2019) have been translated into over twenty languages. He was born in Port Jefferson, New York, and currently lives near Seattle, Washington.

We look forward to welcome Ted Chiang and our other guests of honor, Mary Robinette and Hildur Knútsdóttir.

UPDATE: Ted will be with us online due to uncertainties regarding Covid.

Registration is now open: to register, click here

Online workshops

IceCon has bad news and good news.

The Bad news is that IceCon 2020 will be postponed until November 2021. Not to worry though! Our amazing Guests of Honor, Mary Robinette Kowal and Hildur Knútsdóttir, have agreed to stay on as our Guests of Honor for next year!

The Good news is that Hildur Knútsdóttir and Mary Robinette Kowal have agreed to host separate, virtual, workshops and write-alongs this November 7th, 2020!

And both events are free of charge.

You can sign-up for Mary Robinette Kowal’s “No Prep NanoWrimo workshop” here.

And you can sign-up for Hildur Knútsdóttir’s workshop here. Note: Hildur Knútsdóttir’s workshop is in Icelandic.

Icecon 2020 postponed

August 4th, 2020

Dear friends, 

Sadly, we bring bad news. The Icelandic government has announced a return to stricter Covid-19 measures, a return to the 2 meter rule, a limit of a 100 people at any given time and stricter border controls (You can read about it here, https://www.government.is/news/article/2020/07/30/Iceland-takes-precautionary-measures/). 

As a result we’ve decided to postpone IceCon2020 to from November 2020 to November, 2021 (exact date TBA). As you can imagine, this is frustrating for all of us who have been trying to keep things afloat through these turbulent times, and a postponement is definitely not something that we wanted to have to do, but we feel that this is necessary to ensure everyone’s safety, which is even more important than the fabulous fun we were planning on. Though these measures are temporary, we feel that it would be irresponsible to continue as planned with the convention. 

But the good news is that both our fantastic guests of honor, Hildur Knútsdóttir and Mary Robinette Kowal, will continue to be our guests of honor in 2021, and we couldn’t be more excited to work with them for another year. Big shout out to these wonderful authors!

And in more good news, we also feel like it would be a missed opportunity (and a darned shame) not to do something with what we have already planned. Therefore, we are planning on honouring our 2020 convention dates by hosting an online only event or two with our guests of honor during the weekend of 6-8th of November 2020. We want these to be open and free events, a small gesture maybe, to compensate for depriving ourselves and all of you of another IceCon by postponing the convention itself. 

So we’re going to focus on sending you more good news very soon and you will want to keep track of what’s happening and we want to keep you posted – so sign up for the newsletter, if you haven’t already, and follow us on:

And get in touch with us at icecon.reykjavik@gmail.com

Spread the word so that all the good people can get involved, and we’d love to hear from you,

The IceCon 2020/2021 Team

Covid-19 update

July 28th, 2020

The SFF fan community in Iceland has been growing year by year. Despite COVID-19, we are committed to hosting an exciting con in the fall of 2020, in a safe manner for all participants.

The situation regarding travel in the time of COVID-19 is dynamic. Up-to date information about COVID-19 in Iceland, including requirements for ALL VISITORS, Can be found on the Icelandic government’s information website: https://www.covid.is/english.

IceCon 2020 is a conference held both offline and online. If you can’t make it to Iceland, we look forward to meeting you online!

IceCon 2020 goes online!

July 20th, 2020

The Good News we are spreading far and wide today is that IceCon 2020 is on. Yes indeed, we are going to go ahead as scheduled, although in a slightly different format from IceCon 2018.

So in keeping with our desire to have as many people join in the fun as humanly and technologically possible, IceCon 2020 is going to be both online and offline. In the real world, we are assured of having both of our guests of honour physically here in Iceland – Hildur Knútsdóttir will be here and Mary Robinette Kowal is determined to arrive, come hell or high water.

Everything that can be, will be streamed live, and online participants will be able to see, listen to, and interact with speakers and other audience members; we will see if it is also possible to include online participation in other sessions such as workshops and read-ins. Basically, you will have all the good stuff and none of the freezing.

If you live in a country affiliated to the European Union or the Schengen area and are flu-free, Iceland officially allows you to enter the country – this is true as of July, 2020, and we will hope that it not only remains true as of November, 2020, but that we will be seeing more countries added to that list. There is more information here so keep yourself updated and plan on coming if you can.

If you can’t be here physically, you can still see and hear with your own eyes and ears – online. Registration is open for both:

  • Registration fees are €40 for the convention only; €60 if you want to include the meet and eat Sunday brunch.
  • Student discount: €20 for convention only; €40 for convention and brunch.
  • Registration fees for those who only want to attend online is €10.

You can register for the convention here. Fees can be paid via PayPal or through your banking institution if you have an Icelandic bank account. When you have completed this registration form, you will receive a confirmation e-mail with instructions on how to pay the registration fees.