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Friday 24th May

Meet and greet to start the weekend. Guests can pick up their badges and say hello to each other, the con staff and our guests of honor. The guests of honor will read from their works. 

Saturday, 25th May

Hugo and Locus award winner, John Scalzi talks to Elín Einarsdóttir. 

Ingi Markússon presents his trilogy in conversation with Hildur Knútsdóttir and Giti Chandra on genre, authorial practices, and isolation.

We recommend going to Stúdentakjallarinn for some refreshments. 

Fantasy as a genre has a special connection with our ideas, preoccupations, and prejudices about the past. It’s like history – but you don’t even have to pretend to have any sources! Or is it? are we always thinking about the present when we write about the past? Can one be written in isolation, without the other?

In addition to demonstrations and board game sessions, Spilavinir, will host a special event with an emphasis on teaching board games. Join for the scheduled hour and drop by at any time during the convention to relax, move some meeples around and roll some dice. 

Our guests of honor welcome you to bring books to sign. 

Icelandic fantasy author and one of IceCon’s co-founder, Emil Hjörvar talks to Einar Leif. 

We have questions! What is the main difference in AI in stories; past and present? AI in the present; how is it impacting us today and how might it impact the sci-fi of tomorrow? AI in the creative process: is it going to overtake us in creating content or can we perhaps utilize it? Can writers write in isolation now, without AI??

Guests can enjoy a small break, have a cup of coffee and enjoy the mystery event. 

After dinner Icelandic authors will read from their works before our famous pub-quiz. 

Sunday, 26th May

Join our guest of honor, Kirsty Logan, in exploring how to write supernatural and horror fiction. Participation in this event is limited to 35 people and requires signing up here: REGISTRATION.

Icelandic authors will take you for a stroll through downtown Reykjavík and tell you about how the city influenced their works and point out locations where their stories take place. Max 15 per walk, first come, first serve.

Do you enjoy stationary, fountain pens and everything handwritten? Our friends at Nakano will host a workshop where you will get to learn the ins and outs of journaling, fountain pens and stationary. 

Guests who purchased the Sunday lunch option can visit Stúdentakjallarinn for their lunch. Others guests are encouraged to join as well. 

Scottish author and Lambda award winner, Kirsty Logan, talks to Júlíus Á. Kaaber.

Embark on a voyage across the vast expanse of imagination as we explore the unique perspectives of European creators and fans in the realms of science fiction, fantasy, and fandom.

Are writers isolated geniuses in ivory towers or social animals scribbling in cafes? Do our gender, sexual, ethnic, social identities, not to speak of global pandemics isolate us? Here, not in isolation, are our Guests of Honour to tell you what they think of isolation in its many avatars.