IceCon 2020 proudly presents!

Hildur Knútsdóttir


Hildur Knútsdóttir was born in Reykjavík, Iceland on June 16, 1984. She writes fiction both for adults and teenagers, as well as plays, screenplays and short fiction. Hildur is known for her evocative fantastical fiction and spine-chilling horror, but her recent co-authored work with Þórdís Gísladóttir about the humorous crises of modern teenage life has also been well received.

Her first novel Sláttur came out in 2011 and her work has received various nominations and awards, including The Icelandic Women’s Literary Prize (2016) and the Icelandic Literary Awards (2017). A TV series based on the books is in now production. Her latest novel Ljónið (e. The Lion) won the Reykjavík’s Children’s Books Awards in 2019.

She is currently writing a television series based on her duology Vetrarfrí and Vetrarhörkur as well as working on the sequels to Ljónið.

Hildur is a feminist and a climate activist. She lives in Reykjavík with her husband and their two young daughters.

Hildur’s webpage :